
Inactivity is fought with today's choices, towards a better future


We say NO to inactivity, YES to movement

Alan Kay argues that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. We believe this, and after these last few years the need to demonstrate the connections between exercise and health is becoming increasingly clear. SHOW4HEALTH was created with this purpose in mind: to defeat sedentary lifestyles and create a wellness-friendly future.

Alimentazione sana e responsabile contro la sedentarietà
Healthy and sustainably nutrition

We are what we eat and drink. Nutrition affects the body's ability to prevent health issues, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

Esercizio fisico e scienza contro la sedentarietà
Physical activity and Science

Living without joint and muscle pain is possible at any age, thanks to the most powerful natural medicine there is: physical activity.

Attività anti-aging contro la sedentarietà

It is crucial to rethink the physical-cultural education of old and new generations through the creation of new pathways aimed at movement education and sports knowledge.

Sport e motivazione contro la sedentarietà
Sport and Motivation

No one wants to do it, yet exercise is good for you, this is scientifically proven by WHO. Seeking the right strategies to change the current paradigm is the challenge for a healthier future.


We say NO to inactivity, YES to movement

Alan Kay argues that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. We believe this, and after these last few years the need to demonstrate the connections between exercise and health is becoming increasingly clear. SHOW4HEALTH was created with this purpose in mind: to defeat sedentary lifestyles and create a wellness-friendly future.

Alimentazione sana e responsabile contro la sedentarietà
Healthy and sustainably nutrition

We are what we eat and drink. Nutrition affects the body's ability to prevent health issues, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.

Esercizio fisico e scienza contro la sedentarietà
Physical activity and Science

Living without joint and muscle pain is possible at any age, thanks to the most powerful natural medicine there is: physical activity.

Attività anti-aging contro la sedentarietà

It is crucial to rethink the physical-cultural education of old and new generations through the creation of new pathways aimed at movement education and sports knowledge.

Sport e motivazione contro la sedentarietà
Sport and Motivation

No one wants to do it, yet exercise is good for you, this is scientifically proven by WHO. Seeking the right strategies to change the current paradigm is the challenge for a healthier future.

WHO guidelines

How much exercise is needed to live better?

Children and teenagers

Moderate to intense aerobic activity for at least 60 minutes a day, this is the recommended amount of physical activity for boys and girls aged 5 to 17 years.


Between the ages of 18 and 64, it is desirable to perform from 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, or at least 75 to 150 minutes of intense activity.

Over 65

Even in old age, moving is not only indicated but highly advisable with at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75-150 minutes per week.

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Physical activity is one of the fundaments for a healthy life

Just as much as healthy eating, proper rest and prevention, exercise helps the body and mind maintain health for a long-lived and fulfilling existence.

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