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The event minute by minute

All there is to listen and watch.

Between medicine and motivation, anti-aging strategies and healthy eating, wellness and entrepreneurship, immerse yourself in a day full of insights and ideas to win the battle against inactivity and to dive into a more active, healthy and pleasure-filled life.


 Riccardo Donadon 

Founder H-FARM

"The H-FARM Ecosystem: Education, Technology & Sport"


 Antonio Paoli  

Pro-Rector for Wellness and Sports UniPD

"Find the Intruder: How to Recognize Skills and Knowledge of Health Professionals"


 Eliana Liotta 

Journalist and scientific writer

"The Green Turn at the Table"


 Fausto Di Giulio  

Entrepreneur & CEO REX Roundtables

"Future thinking and urgent optimism for a healthier and happier life"


 Annalisa Dorbolò e Roberto Travan 

Starbene Group Founders

"Healthy longevity: a new business frontier. The case history of a couple always on the move"


 Loredana Paparelli 

Entrepreneur & Founder Nirvana

“Female entrepreneurship: a 45-year long case history of success"


 Matteo Motterlini  

UniSR Full Professor

"The irrationality of being sedentary. What lies behind our decisions"


 Daniela Lucini 

UniMi Full Professor

"Physical activity as a tool for wellness, prevention and therapy. Trend or reality?"


 Oscar Farinetti 

Entrepreneur & Founder Eataly

"The chicken was born first... maybe"


 Maria Grazia Corallo  

Case history of success

"Is this the life I want?"


 Edoardo Cognonato 

Researcher, Trainer and Consultant

"The secrets to a long-lasting motivation"


 Alberto Gamba 

Entrepreneur & CEO Sportpiù

"10 vs. 90: which side are you on?"


 Renato Malfatti  

Entrepreneur & CEO Egowellness

"150'...and around. The Ego Wellness Lifestyle empathic approach"


 Emanuel Mian 

Psychologist & Psychotherapist

"Working out to please or a pleasure to work out? How physical activity can improve body image and educate sustainable nutrition"


 Alessandro Zorzi 

Cardiologist and UniPD Associate Professor

"I'm 20 years old and have a heart problem, should I resign myself to playing games on the couch?"


 Giorgio Leo e Francesco Toldo  

CEO Show Club and Former Football Player

"Show Care: an idea, a story and a place against inactivity"

Communication is an opportunity. Listening is a gift.

October 6 was an inspirational day inside an innovative venue, surrounded by nature, where so many speakers spoke during one big, incredible, gathering.

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Biglietti Sold Out

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