SEPTEMBER 29, 2023


The live event dedicated to the health and wellness benefits of exercise is back with its second edition!

➡ Tickets available from JULY 15!


Relive the excitement of S4H first edition



Stop Inactivty

According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is undoubtedly one of the most important risk factors for mortality in the world (the fourth to be precise). In fact, nearly 1.5 billion adults are at risk of disease because they do not get enough physical activity.

In Italy it’s even worse, 92% of the population doesn’t achieve the amount of physical activity necessary to maintain good health conditions.

Say yes to Well-being

For this very reason the fight against sedentary lifestyle and inactivity are critical issues and of paramount importance within medical, social, political and daily agendas for the present and future of our country.

SHOW4HEALTH was created with this very purpose: to raise awareness and inspire people to take the first step toward a more activem healthy and happy life.

The event in a nutshell

The numbers of SHOW4HEALTH

One stage, 4 panels of discussion between nutrition, sport, motivation and medicine with the goal of defeating inactiveness and embracing health.

Important themes
Square meters
Watch the video

Physical activity is one of the fundaments for a healthy life.

Just as much as healthy eating, proper rest and prevention, exercise helps the body and mind maintain health for a long-lived and fulfilling existence.

Inside the event

The 4 themes of SHOW4HEALTH

People’s physical and mental health are two closely related aspects. Contributing to cultural change in the fight against inactivity also comes from exploring these 4 topics:

Eating lays the foundation for giving the body the protection and energy it needs. Educating about proper behaviors and sustainable relationships with food is an essential aspect when one wants to live at peak wellness.

The importance of physical activity as a preventive tool against cardiovascular and other diseases is supported by numerous scientific studies and WHO guidelines.

Physical activity is an indispensable means of slowing down aging through innovative strategies to educate people about the importance of mental and physical well-being at every age of their lives.

Two numbers: 60 and 27. Sixty percent of Italians do not exercise while they are within 20 and 70 years old, while 27 percent do so only rarely. Why, even though it is well known that exercising is good, do people not move off the couch?

Where, when and how

H-FARM Campus

September 29, 2023

SHOW4HEALTH will be held, for the second year in a row, in the beautiful setting of H-FARM CAMPUS, inside the most iconic building: the Library and conference hall “The Hill.”

Show Care

S4H is our commitment towards the community

If the 2022 edition helped raise donations to open Show Care Padua, the 2023 edition will support the opening of Show Care Treviso.

What is Show Care?

It is a non-profit organization that takes care of getting safe, personalized and free physical activity to cancer patients in follow-up stage or with chronic non-communicable diseases.

Support the Show Care project by donating now or adding your donation when you register for the event.

Athl-Ethic Businesses

Our supporters in this adventure

The trust and connection of these companies to SHOW4HEALTH is the sharing of a clear idea: exercise as a social improver that can help people achieve all-around wellness by growing physically, culturally, intellectually and spiritually.

Show main partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
H-FARM main partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Alajmo Main Partner Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Compressori Veneta main partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Molino Favero Main Sponsor Show4Health
SHR Partner Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Angel1 Partner Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Sonda partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Break partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
REX partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Agenza Generali partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Banca del veneto centrale partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Rossato arredamenti partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Show Cloud Partner Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Professione PT partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Punto Com Partner Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Galline Padovane - Media Partner di Show4Health
Laboraility media partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Humamy food partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Tavola disegno 61
Oilalà food partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Malandrone Food partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Show Care charity partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute
Biorfarm charity partner di Show4Health - Lo Spettacolo della Salute

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