2022 Speakers

The storytelling voices that took turns on stage on October 6 2022, in the first edition of S4H.

Among guests and speakers

Words against inactivity

A stage full of personalities, knowledge and charisma capable of leading you to discover a world made of health, where the fight against inactivity is an issue that includes education and exercise culture.


The voices of SHOW4HEALTH

oscar Farinetti speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Oscar Farinetti Entrepreneur and Founder of Eataly
One of the sharpest entrepreneurial minds ever to appear in our country. Founder of Eataly and former owner of the large technology retail chain Unieuro, lives in Monferrato surrounded by vineyards, olive trees and beautiful people.
Matteo Motterlini speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Matteo Motterlini UniSR Full Professor
Full professor of Philosophy of Science and Behavior Change at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, he is a best-selling author with "Economia Emotiva", "Trappole Mentali" and "Psicoeconomia di Charlie Brown. Strategia per una società più felice" which all have translations in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Spanish.
riccardo Donadon speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Riccardo Donadon Founder H-FARM
One of the most influential "digital" personalities in Italy and beyond. Internet guru , founded H-Farm in 2005, becoming a reference point for innovation and education companies, also thanks to the innovative campus able to welcome students from kindergarten to university.
Daniela Lucini speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Daniela Lucini UniMI Professor
Director of the Sports Medicine and Exercise Service at the Auxologico Italiano Institute in Milan. In 2021, she was appointed as an expert to the "Tavolo di lavoro per la Promozione dell’attività fisica e la tutela della salute nelle attività sportive" by the Ministry of Health.
Francesco Toldo speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Francesco Toldo Former Football player
A former goalkeeper for Fiorentina and Inter, European vice-champion with the Italian national team in 2000. Among the best goalkeepers of his generation, at club level he has won five Scudetti, five Coppa Italia, four Supercoppe Italiane, as well as a UEFA Champions League.
Antonio Paoli speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Antonio Paoli UniPD Pro-rector
Pro-rector with delegated authority for Wellness and Sport at the University of Padua, Full Professor of Exercise and Sport Sciences at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padua.
Eliana Liotta speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Eliana Liotta Journalist and writer
Journalist for Corriere della Sera, she is the author of best sellers such as "La dieta Smartfood" distributed in twenty countries. Her latest book is "Il cibo che ci salverà", teamed with the European Institute for Economics and the Environment. She directs the Scienze per la vita series at Sonzogno and is a professor of Publishing at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University.
Emanuel Mian speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Emanuel Mian Psychologist and CEO Emotifood
He is one of Italy's leading experts on eating disorders and body image, working on scientific research and therapy for those struggling with food, body and emotions. He achieved national fame with the books "Mindfoodness" and "Fuga dalla Bilancia".
Alessandro Zorzi speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Alessandro Zorzi Cardiologist
Associate Professor of Cardiology at the University of Padua, has worked within the Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova since 2014. A member of the Board of Directors of the Società Italiana di Cardiologia dello Sport (SICSport), he has authored more than 200 publications in international journals.
Edoardo Cognonato speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Edoardo Cognonato Trainer & Consultant
Head of Profile Empowerment of Padua, a consulting firm specializing in Relational Marketing and Leadership processes, collaborates with the University of Padua's Observatory of Motivational and Cognitive Psychology and the magazine 'Il Nuovo Club'.
Speaker Lo spettacolo della Salute
Fausto Di Giulio Entrepreneur & CEO REX Roundtables EMEA
CEO of REX Roundtables Europe, an exclusive international community of entrepreneurs related to the world of fitness, wellness and beyond. An expert in sports marketing, management, exercise and medical fitness, he operates his own club in Abruzzo, Italy.
Renato Malfatti speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Renato Malfatti Entrepreneur & CEO Egowellness
Pioneer and innovator of Italian fitness between the old and the new millennium, with its EGO Wellness centers in Lucca, Tuscany, has been offering exercise-related solutions aimed at improving people's health for 40 years.
Albero gamba speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Alberto Gamba Entrepreneur & CEO Sportpiù
Creator and owner of Sport Più centers in Bergamo. An expert in medical health promotion and physical activity prevention, he has been communicating and spreading active lifestyles for more than 40 years.
Loredana Paparelli speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Loredana Paparelli Entrepreneur & Founder Nirvana
A trailblazer in the fitness scene since 1977, with her club, Nirvana in Senigallia, to this day she represents a benchmark for those who want to move in the medical fitness field.
Annalisa Dorbolò speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Annalisa Dorbolò Entrepreneur & Founder Starbene Group
Entrepreneur, physical therapist and founder of Starbene Group, she has been involved in making people feel good through exercise since 1986. With her partner, Roberto Travan, she is co-author of the trilogy "Da Domani Mi Muovo."
Roberto Travan speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Roberto Travan Entrepreneur & Founder Starbene Group
CEO of Starbene Group, he has always spread the importance of exercise in all its forms. As much in practice as in culture. He is one of the two authors of the book series saga "Da Domani Mi Muovo."
Giorgio Leo speaker allo spettacolo della salute
Giorgio Leo Co-Founder of Show Club and Show Care
Graduated in Exercise Science with a specialization in Sports Enterprise Management from the University of Padua. He is a promoter of active lifestyles through personalized exercise practice.
Maria Grazia Corallo Case history of success
Turning to Show Club thanks to the advice of her osteopath, she was able to overcome the daily difficulties she had to endure due to the polio that struck her during her youth. Having regained her independence, she would never give up her personal trainer team!

Communication is an opportunity. Listening is a gift.

October 6 was an inspirational day inside an innovative venue, surrounded by nature, where so many speakers spoke during one big, incredible, gathering.

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“Show Care” è l’organizzazione di volontariato che si prenderà cura di far fare attività fisica in modo sicuro, personalizzato e gratuito ai pazienti oncologici in follow-up della città di Padova.

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